7. Artillery
Photo: US Army
Artillery soldiers send massive rounds against enemy forces. Because artillery destroys enemy formations and demoralizes the survivors, it’s a target for enemy airstrikes and artillery barrages. Also, the artillery may be called on to assume infantry and cavalry missions that they’ve received little training on.
Article Name11 of the Most Dangerous Jobs in the U.S. MilitaryDescriptionAll jobs in the military carry real risks, but some jobs are much riskier than others. Here are 11 of the most dangerous.Author
Logan Nye
Publisher Name
G.I. Jobs
Publisher Logo

Article Name
11 of the Most Dangerous Jobs in the U.S. Military
All jobs in the military carry real risks, but some jobs are much riskier than others. Here are 11 of the most dangerous.
Logan Nye
Publisher Name
G.I. Jobs
Publisher Logo