G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   December 19

Virtual Job Fair   |   Dec 19

The 7 Biggest ‘Blue Falcons’ in US Military History


5.) The Continental Army gets together to blue falcon Benedict Arnold.


Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Thomas Hart


Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold was, by all accounts, an outstanding general for most of his time in American service. He won a bloodless victory at Fort Ticonderoga, got France to openly support the Americans through his victory at the Battle of Saratoga, and even once won a decisive naval battle. Throughout all this, he endured multiple wounds for his country.

The whole time though, he was being passed over for promotion due to the political connections of other generals. Also, while Arnold was clinging to life in a New York hospital bed, his boss claimed credit for a surrender that belonged to Arnold. When Arnold complained to Congress that veterans and their families weren’t being fairly treated, he was brought up on charges. A court martial acquitted him of most, but he was found guilty of two counts of dereliction of duty.

The 7 Biggest ‘Blue Falcons’ in US Military History
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The 7 Biggest ‘Blue Falcons’ in US Military History
Blue falcons, or buddy f*ckers, are a fixture of military life. Here are seven instances of blue falconism that literally made history.
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G.I. Jobs
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