G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   November 21

Virtual Job Fair   |   Nov 21

11 Best-ever Nicknames of Military Leaders

Gen. Norman “The Bear” Schwarzkopf

8.) Maj. Gen. Smedley “The Fighting Quaker” Butler



Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler was born into a Quaker family in Pennsylvania in 1881. Despite the Quakers’ aversion to violence, Butler lied about his age to become a Marine Corps second lieutenant in 1898, developed a reputation for being fierce in a fight, and made his way to major general while receiving two Medals of Honor in his career.

Butler also received a brevet promotion to captain when he was 19 for valorous action conducted before officers were eligible for the Medal of Honor. In recognition of his huge brass ones, his men started calling him “The Fighting Quaker.”

11 Best-ever Nicknames of Military Leaders
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11 Best-ever Nicknames of Military Leaders
Many get nicknames in the military, usually something derogatory. But not these guys. These 11 military leaders got awesome nicknames by doing awesome stuff.
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G.I. Jobs
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