G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   January 23

Virtual Job Fair   |   Jan 23

Types of People to Follow as Mentors in the Online Business World


If you’re just starting an online business, the beginning can be a very rough time – especially if you have no formal background in marketing or the online business field. That’s why it’s important to get to find mentors in the online business world to model after for when you get in a bind and need to learn new skills immediately.

There are a few individuals whom I follow and have learned a great deal from to boost my online income and I consider mentors in the online business world. These are people from all types of backgrounds and walks of life. The reason why I’m giving you these individuals is because I guarantee that you can find at least one of them to help you out in one way or another with your business, your mindset or your motivation.

I’m going to start out with a young gentleman who is a legend in the business world … and he’s only 29 years old. His name is Neil Patel. Neil has been an entrepreneur since the age of 14. He is the co-founder of KISSmetrics, Hello Bar and Crazy Egg. He has worked with some of the largest companies in the world to help improve their revenue, such as GM, Viacom, HP, NBC and Amazon. He was recognized by President Obama as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under 30 years old. The United Nations named him top 100 under the age of 35. And he was recognized by the U.S. House of Representatives with the Congressional Recognition Award.  Neil loves to share his knowledge with just about anyone, and that’s why his blog is so popular. You can visit it here.

Up next is David Wood. This is the rags-to-riches story that everyone loves. From living in his van on the beaches of Hawaii to being one of the most recognized up-and-coming network marketers, David Wood knows how to do it all. He is the founder of what is now a three-year-old company called Empower Network, which is a blogging-based organization for marketers and entrepreneurs. Why is he on the list of people to follow? Because David Wood is a master at drawing traffic without spending a single dime on advertising. He has created a majority of his profits online by using “law of attraction” marketing. He’s also an expert in the field of mindset and motivation training. I can honestly say that my life really changed for the better when I sat through one of Dave’s mindset courses. In 2013, his company website had over 52 million visitors. By comparison, the New York Times page had 31 million visitors and Pandora had 41 million visitors. In just three years, his company and its large group of entrepreneurs worldwide have created more than $144 million in total sales. You can see more information on Dave by going to his blog.

Finally, I would recommend following a young man by the name of Lawrence Tam. “LT” is a graduate of the University of Texas with a degree in mechanical engineering. As you can probably guess, Lawrence Tam is very “tech savvy.” He specializes in areas such as search engine optimization, email marketing, lead generation and conversions, mindset training, blogging, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Lawrence has been an entrepreneur since about 2006 and has been at the top of pretty much every organization he has ever been a part of, including his current one. His motto is to “help more people, help people more.” You can learn a lot more about this great individual by going to his page.