G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

4 Steps to a Successful Online Business

Online Business

When you first think about running a business, what do you think about doing? Well, the first thing most people think about while running a business is the fact that they need to sell something. And then that’s it. They just get up in the morning and sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell.  Then they go to bed.

I think that’s where most people fail in their online business. They are so busy shoving the sale down everyone’s throats that they forget to stick to the basics, which allows them and their business to grow over time.

Here are  four “easy” steps to take to ensure that you are having daily success with your online business.

The first step to help grow your business: Read.

Read every day for at least 30 minutes. If you don’t know what to read, there is a free resource available to you called “Google.”  Search for articles on running an online business.  One of my favorite websites is from a gentleman that the President named one of the top entrepreneurs in the country.  His name is Neil Patel.  You can check out his page here.

The second step: Write.

Write about what you learned.  It’s my belief that when you put something on paper, then you are giving it power.  This is when thoughts and ideas become something that is reachable.  Because now you can actually see it in front of you, and you are able to create a solid vision of what it is that you are trying to achieve.  So write about what you learned today.  Write about what your goals and your visions are for the future.  Write about what it’s going to be like when you reach your goals.  And be specific when you do that.  When I’m telling you to write about what it’s going to feel like, I want you to close your eyes and visualize that moment when everything you have worked for has come true.  Where will you be?  What will you be wearing?  What specific time of day or night is it going to be when you realize that your vision has come true?

The third step: Listen.

Listen to audios from those that are where you want to be in the online business world.  The best advice that I ever received was to turn my car into a classroom.  So now, when I drive anywhere, for any time, I’m listening to audios from Lawrence Tam (Project Mayhem Podcast on Stitcher.com and on iTunes), and from Tony (Anthony) Robbins.  I’ll listen to Tony Robbins via Youtube.com.  He discusses motivation and mindset training techniques.  I listen to conference calls of teams that I’m not even a part of, i.e. Tracey Walker’s “Dream Team.”  They always drop “Golden Nuggets!”

The fourth step: Market.

TELL EVERYONE!  Let everyone know about your new business venture.  Let everyone know about your goals, your dreams, your visions.  If you are married, or have children, or both, tell the family what you are going to do to celebrate reaching each goal. The more people that you tell, the harder it is to give up!