G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   January 23

Virtual Job Fair   |   Jan 23

Tips to Thrive in Life After the Military

life after the military

As a U.S. Air Force OIF/OEF Veteran serving 15+ years, Chaunte’ has a deeply rich perspective regarding the trials and tribulations associated with multiple long-term deployments and can attest all too well to the sacrifices connected to steadfastly keeping such commitments.

USAF Veteran, Chaunte Myers 

USAF Veteran, Chaunte Myers

Having honorably served in an Active Duty as well as Reserve capacity, Mrs. Myers brings a realistic perspective and understanding with respect to addressing the functional challenges related to successfully reintegrating from the military to civilian life.

Mrs. Myers currently serves as CEO of Centurion Military Alliance, and she’s pursuing her DBA.

Co-Founder & CEO of Centurion Military Alliance, Chaunte Myers


Centurion Military Alliance Workshop for Veterans


I found myself at a personal/professional crossroads with a heavy desire to follow my passion and start my own personal training business. Not wanting to completely give up my Military service, I decided to join the Air Force Reserves to ensure I still had a foot in the door of a culture to which I was accustom. This was the first step in the right direction.


Always have options…

Considering my options with starting a business and ensuring I had the proper level of education, certification, and credentials, I sought out successful gym owners and asked for advice and guidance. I took their advice and devised a plan of action that would not only enable me to be competitive in the market space, but would also afford me life options. For example, I pursued an undergrad in Business Administration versus Exercise Science. Understanding the business realm, coupled with my personal training certifications, I developed a thriving business case.



Who defines success…

By the time, I truly understood the toll it takes to run a business successfully, I was feeling burnt out. What had happened…? I had followed my passion, pursued my dreams, and had built out a thriving list of clientele, but something was missing. I was beginning to understand the full breadth and scope of the Military Culture – a culture that promotes mentorship, stewardship, camaraderie, community engagement, and supports an ever-evolving mission centered on ensuring global security.

As I started seeing past the passion, past the business success, the harsh, lonely reality of starting a +15-hour workday, and the gravity of opening the gym at 0500, closing the doors at 2200, began to sink in and lose its luster. Oh, and if that was not enough, I found myself growing weary of telling my clients to eat more chicken and vegetables…



Passion and Dreams…

As I woke from my dreams and passionate pursuits of running my own business, I realized how fortunate I was to have listened to those who had mentored me and said, “Running your own business is great, but have options, and most of all, have an exit strategy”.  Heeding that advice, I was able to sell a successful business and move forward – to go beyond a passion and pursue a truer calling. Stepping out on faith, I realized the core of who I am is to serve and support others.

With that in mind, having a servant-leaders heart and an entrepreneurial spirit, in 2013, I, along with my family, co-founded a non-profit organization, Centurion Military Alliance (CMA), where we train, prepare, and educate transitioning service members, veterans, and spouses.


CMA supports a global mission, bigger than eating chicken and vegetables…


Do you find yourself at a crossroads and are you considering starting/launching a business?

Since we, the Military Affiliated Community like our acronyms; let’s explore the possibilities from the SWOT perspective keeping Entrepreneurship in mind:


Strengths: relevant to market trends – Will your business succeed due to…

* Current Education, Certification, Licensure

* What makes you competitive, or sets you apart?

* Can you articulate your strengths – your selling proposition


Weaknesses: relevant to market trends – Could your business fail due to…

* What areas can you improve upon?

* What factors would cause you to lose revenue

* What should you stay away from?


life after the military


Opportunities: Leveraging your strengths while improving your weaknesses…

* Flexibility – Own your schedule

* Current trends that will enhance your business

* Ultimately, you’re doing what you love


Threats: Do your weaknesses override your strengths…

* Be aware of obstacles, barriers

* How are you positioning yourself to be set apart from competitors?

* Does the revenue align with your Financial Literacy plan?




Tips to Thrive in Life After the Military
Article Name
Tips to Thrive in Life After the Military
Life after the military can seem like a scary time, but it doesn't have to be. With the right plan of action, you can take it head on. Here are 4 Tips to Thrive in your life after the military.
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G.I. Jobs Magazine
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