G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

8-26-2020 Online Career Fair: Government & Contracting Jobs for Vets

Jobs for Veterans in Government and Federal Contracting

Veteran Careers in Federal Government and Contracting

A GI Jobs Virtual Career Fair: August 26, 2020    1-3 pm EDT


⚠  Once you sign up, you will get an email to confirm your email address from Brazen. Make sure that you have confirmed your email address by clicking on the “verify email” button within Brazen’s email. You are not registered until this step is completed. 


Follow These Job Fair Steps to Success  

  1. You will be given the opportunity to add text and calendar reminders. Take advantage of these tools to help you stay on track.
  2. Stay updated by checking for new employers prior to the event and take the 4-step tour
  3. Research the organizations you’re interested in on their website, including jobs available
  4. Review & modify your resume
  5. Ensure that you have finalized your candidate profile in the platform (including the section for your timezone)
  6. Prepare a document with standard information on it to copy and paste from during the event, such as your introduction
  7. Set a goal to move conversations with recruiters to the next stage if you are a strong mutual fit
  8. Follow up where appropriate

See Also: GI Jobs Virtual Career Fair Guide

Technology Requirements

  • An internet connection 
  • A computer
  • This fair is chat only. No video. 

Will job postings be listed?

Yes. Each agency and company can post up to 7, but some of these employers have hundreds and even thousands of more jobs available.

How are chats with employers set up?

Our employer partners will have chat rooms. Veteran and military job candidates can engage 1-on-1 with recruiters. Time slots are limited to 10 minutes each. 

What conversations should I be prepared for?

After conducting your ongoing research for government agency and federal contracting positions for veterans, you can ask for details about job requirements. Some topics to consider are how the employer determines a strong fit, timelines they work with, and other questions that will clarify whether or not you’re a likely match for both the position as well as the culture.

Job Fair Pro tip: Avoid distracting recruiters with personal questions or other unwanted informal talks. Stay focused on professional rapport-building to leave a strong, positive impression. 

I secured an interview. Now what?

If you are contacted for an interview, start reading these specific preparation tips for phone and video interviews from our Mother of All Transition Guides.

Military Transition Guide

Do you want more insight into government jobs and federal contracting gigs for veterans? Subscribe to our emails with job alerts and other targeted information we develop to help you land your next post-service career. 

Read More

4 Pieces of Advice for Vets on Contracting

4 Pieces of Advice for Vets on Contracting (Infographic)

100K Security Contracting Jobs for Vets Overseas

Government & Contracting Jobs for Vets: Online Career Fair
Starting on
August 26, 2020
Ending on
August 26, 2020
The Virtual GI Jobs Career Fair is a 2-hour online job event for military veterans, offering them the chance to meet and greet recruiters at government agencies and contracting companies for over 5,000 employment opportunities. Visit https://www.gijobs.com/govt-and-contracting to register. Return to our site to opt-in to our emails for reminders and helpful tips for landing a government or contracting job as a veteran.