G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

Why Are Employers Seeking Military Experience?

employers seeking military experience


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There are thousands of employers seeking military experience, and there are several reason why. Here’s a look at 12 reasons why companies will want to hire you.

#1 Leadership

Given responsibility for lives, budgets, expensive equipment and performance at a very young age, leadership is ingrained into every facet of military life. NCOs and officers are there to lead and inspire troops: troops that work 18-hour days in harsh environments for minimum wage. Now that’s leadership! How many 24-year old civilians manage eight or nine people and millions of dollars worth of equipment like an Army staff sergeant does every day?

Economic benefit to Corporate America:

Veterans, all other factors equal, will promote faster than their civilian counterparts.

#2 Diversity

Forty-five (45) percent of transitioning military members are minorities: African-American, Hispanic, Asian and other minorities. Nearly all companies have a commitment to recruit minorities. It comes at an enormous cost to hiring managers, in terms of time and real capital. Recruiting veterans has the added benefit of providing a ready-made work force from a large minority population.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

The military has a deep pool of talented minority applicants.

#3 Team Players

Veterans work in teams to accomplish goals. In the military, you rely on your “work colleague” for YOUR LIFE! Companies are heavily interested in team-building training to leverage the skills of all team members and achieve a force multiplier on human assets. The military LIVES THIS EVERY DAY. As veterans, you can go into these companies and instantly add team effectiveness.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

Higher team productivity throughout the company.

#4 Educated and Tech Savvy

The military has the most extensive technical training facilities in the world.  Our nation’s veterans leverage this training to the benefit of corporate America. Veterans are graduates of the world’s largest technical training school system. Ninety-eight percent are high school graduates, 36 percent are college grads and 100 percent have formal military training in a variety of trade and professional schools.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

Lower employee training costs.

#5 Quick Learners

Service members are accustomed to switching jobs often. As a result, veterans are adaptable and climb steep learning curves quickly. Veterans expect and welcome challenges and can be key change agents within a company.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

Enhanced employee productivity and upward scalability.

#6 Drug-Free and Healthy

Mandatory military drug testing and physical fitness standards ensure healthy, vigorous employees with less sick time. Veterans are generally more fit than their civilian counterparts. Furthermore, because of the zero-tolerance drug policy military members adhere to, the veteran is addiction-free. As veterans, we typically take this for granted:  We shouldn’t.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:  

A work force free from addictive behaviors and healthy enough to reduce lost work time due to injuries.

#7 Security Clearances

Most military positions require an in-depth security clearance of secret or higher. Many companies, especially government contractors and agencies, require some form of security clearance. For someone who doesn’t currently possess a valid clearance, this can cost thousands of dollars and months of time, and there’s no guarantee that the person will be issued a security clearance. Even veterans with lapsed clearances provide some assurance that a new clearance check will go through.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:  

Money and time savings on security clearance authorization.

#8 Performance Under Pressure

In the military, poor performance or an inability to handle stress can have grave consequences. Adherence to specifications and deadlines under tight timelines is part of the normal routine for veterans. Efficient use and privatization is ingrained into all military endeavors.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

High achievers who can handle stress.

#9 Willing to Relocate

Uncle Sam picks up the tab for relocating a military transitioner when they leave the service. This is a SIGNIFICANT, DIRECT and TANGIBLE economic benefit for hiring managers. Due to the transient nature of the military, veterans have no issue with moving; in fact, many welcome it!  When compared to many civilians who are anchored to a particular geographical location, veterans are flexible to move where their services are needed.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

Zero relocation costs and geographically available employees.

#10 Active Job Seekers

Passive job seekers, found on most mass job boards, are currently EMPLOYED and hiring managers must lure them away from their current job – a costly endeavor. Transitioning military have already decided to leave their current job and are ACTIVELY seeking employment. Big difference.

Economic benefit to hiring managers: 

A more targeted market of ACTIVE job seekers means less money spent recruiting qualified candidates.

#11 Discipline

From the first day of boot camp to the day they separate or retire, service members are trained to be disciplined. This carries over into the civilian work force, where veterans are punctual, focused and safety-conscious.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

Employees who show up for work, and work when they show up.

#12 Global Perspective

Military troops, during peace and war, are global travelers.  They deploy to Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and the Middle East.  Many live overseas with their families for years.  They engrain themselves into foreign communities, learning the language and the culture.  They become ambassadors for the United States.

Economic benefit to hiring managers:

Most U.S. civilians have never even traveled overseas let alone lived and worked there.  In today’s global economy, hiring military means hiring those in tune with what’s going on in the world, and what’s going on among the world’s consumers.


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