G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

Vets Guide to Grilling — 4 Tips for the Fourth of July


Charcoal, wood pellets or propane: it doesn’t really matter. The grill’s going to get hot, and you’re going to enjoy some tasty treats (including a few cold ones to help along the grilling process).

Here are a few tips to make this weekend of grilling one of your best yet.

1. Get Everything Planned Out in Advance

If you’re getting deep into the grilling game, you know there is nothing worse than getting the grill hot and realizing you’re missing something you need. Get the sauce ingredients nailed down, buy enough meat for a few extra patties and consider making that six-pack of shandy something a bit more substantial. As soon as you fire up the grill, you know your buddies are going to start showing up from miles around, ready to consume anything within arm’s length.

Need a spatula to flip those fat burgers? We’ve got you covered with both the Army and Marine options. In the spirit of having everything ready in advance, it even has a bottle opener on it. Boom.

2. Marinate 24 Hours in Advance

If you aren’t a meat purist (salt and pepper only), you’re going to want to let your meat marinate for a full day before you toss it over the flame.

Whether you’re using your uncle’s famous recipe or something you ran across online, the longer you marinate, the better it’s going to taste.

Don’t want to get any of that delicious sauce on your new tank when you’re grilling? Check out this cool tactical apron that will protect you from the usual splashes and fumbles (which always seem to increase with each shandy consumed…)

3. Know Your Grilling Times

If you don’t have a meat thermometer and want to get your meat a perfect medium, know your grilling times. There are a bunch of sites with really detailed information on this, here is just one of many.

If you’re into gadgetry, this is by far the coolest thing we’ve seen: bluetooth connectivity to your phone and super accurate temperature monitoring, so you can sit back and relax, knowing you aren’t overcooking your burgers or brats.

4. Clean Your Grill

Seriously. You hear this tip every year, but do you ever actually follow the advice? Get yourself a stiff wire brush, heat up your grill, and get to work. It’s the right thing to do.

Oh, you need some inspiration to get ready for grilling season? Check out these Beer Can Bacon Burgers by the BBQ Pit Boys.




Yeah, those look pretty good, don’t they?

@4:58 — “Here we got some ribs — that’s just going to be for snackin’…”

Right on…


READ NEXT: Ink That Doesn’t Stink – Military Edition


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