G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   September 26

Virtual Job Fair   |   Sep 26

4 Tips to Find a Career After Retiring from the Military

4 Tips to Find a Career After Retiring from the Military

3.) Grasp the latest technology and brush up your social media profiles.

Henry suggests getting a Gmail email address for your civilian job search. “Create a professional email address with your name in it,” he states, “and use it only for your job search.”

Nothing screams outdated if you are using an older email platform and include dates such as 1955 in your email address. He also recommends using folders in Gmail to maintain a central flow of information. “Gmail is a great way to organize your job search and set reminders on your calendar.”

Henry says it is also imperative to get on LinkedIn. Create a profile with a professional picture. Fill out each section of your profile and craft a compelling headline. But beyond that, “make it clear that you are transitioning and what you want to do,” says Henry.

Don’t just complete your profile and set it and forget it. Use this technology to connect with people inside organizations that you’d like to work for. Henry suggests completing your LinkedIn profile a few years before you are retiring from the military so that you do not have to build your profile and connections from scratch. “Connections are a must,” he says. “LinkedIn is one of the best ways to leverage your network. Connect with former service members and leverage the veteran community as well.”

A few months prior to retiring from the military is also a great time for you to assess your social media profiles.

Double-check the settings as well as any pictures and information that hiring managers may see. Make sure your social media profiles remain professional. Social media platforms are always changing, so review your profiles to see if there are any new sections that you can fill out.

For example, Facebook now has a professional skills section, which may not have been there the last time you filled out your profile. Utilize this section!

4 Tips to Find a Career After Retiring from the Military
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4 Tips to Find a Career After Retiring from the Military
Retiring from the military and finding a career for your post-military life can be daunting. But with some planning, you can make it happen.
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G.I. Jobs
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