G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

New Year’s Resolutions for Military Transitioners

It’s that time of year again and as a transitioning veteran you may be looking forward to a fresh start for the New Year. If you haven’t already your number one resolution should be to land a job with a great company.

This is easier said than done and you may want to resolve to make a few changes up front that will help before you start that quest for your dream job.  Millions of people every year resolve to make changes for the New Year however more often than not it ends in failure after a week or even 24 hours.  It’s all about attitude and mental strength and if you believe that you will achieve a goal then you’re more likely to set it in the first place. Be realistic, successful resolutions require plenty of drive and if your goal is too high you may be setting yourself up for failure.

So we are ringing in 2015 with New Year’s resolutions for military transitioners!

Fitness / Weight Loss

            By far the most popular resolution and indeed the most failed.  Stay in shape, just because you are leaving the military doesn’t mean that you can drop your physical fitness program.  Do you need to lose weight and if so how much?  Come up with a plan on how to stay in shape and loose those excess pounds.  Being able to look in the mirror and like what you see will help give you a positive mental attitude.

Kick the habit

            If you are looking for opportunity to stop smoking or stop using smokeless tobacco now is the time.  Employers more than ever want to hire employees that are free from bad health habits. Chances are that if you show up to an interview smelling like a dirty ash tray or with tobacco in your teeth the interview will be over before it begins.

Appearance and Wardrobe

Do you need a makeover?  Being well groomed and professionally attired speaks volumes about you to a prospective employer.  If you are in doubt about your wardrobe get a second opinion from someone you can trust.  If a new wardrobe is not in the budget then maybe just a new shirt and tie or blouse along with the right accessories can help give you a more modern look.


            Does your resume need a makeover? Are your references updated and achievements current?  Any address changes in addition to job titles and description updates should be added before you start handing out your resume.


            Take a look at your social and professional network. Do you need to reconnect with: friends, family, Alumni Associations and Professional organizations? Who you know and who they know can have a big impact on getting your foot in the door and possibly getting an interview.

Make a resolution and stick to it because these are resolutions that you cannot afford to break.  Remember that looking for a job is a full time job and if you are not dedicating a significant amount of time each day towards this goal you may want to re-think your priorities.  Stay positive, stay focused and your efforts will pay off.