G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   January 23

Virtual Job Fair   |   Jan 23

Leadership with the University of Farmers Insurance Group

University of Farmers Insurance

Suggested Great Reads on Leadership:

The Lens of Leadership: Being the Leader Others Want to Follow

Whether you are an skilled leader with comprehensive responsibilities, an early leader who wants to get ahead quicker, or a hopeful future leader who wants to expand your influence, this book will ensure that you deliver better results, get promoted faster, and inspire those around you.

101 Ways to Connect with Your Customers, Chiefs, and Co-Workers

Helping you accomplish greater job fulfillment and success, this book gives you the skills and techniques to help you work smoothly, efficiently, and productively with all sorts of people, whether they are the customers and clients you’re helping, the managers you report to, or your co-workers.

175 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time! New & Updated Version

Packed with practical tips that will help you invest 10, 20, or even 90 minutes a day more wisely, this handbook help you gain control, lessen stress and grow your job satisfaction.

Employee Risk Management: How to Protect Your Business Reputation and Reduce Your Legal Liability

Covering everything from recruitment to the close of the employment relationship, this book presents a straightforward, legally-grounded route that will enable employers to identify, manage and reduce the possible threats that come with all employees — as well as with others who works for the organization, including contractors, volunteers, interns and temps.

Logistics and Supply Chains in Emerging Markets

Directed at supply chain and logistics executives who are ready to understand the implications of the changing needs of their customers, this book specifies the logistics markets of some of the region’s largest countries, examines the power of transport infrastructure; the structure of the markets – including levels of opposition as well as the major economic trends that are having a direct impact on the progression of the logistics industry.

Business Process Change: A Business Process Management Guide for Managers and Process Professionals, Third Edition

Providing a sensible view of the field of business process change, this useful guide offers concepts, methods, cases for all parts and phases of successful business process improvement.

The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do, Third Edition

As practical as it is uplifting, this insightful book discloses the fundamental ways that leaders prosper through service in a form that anyone can easily comprehend and implement. The book will benefit not only those who read it but also the persons who look to them for leadership and the organizations they serve.

Influential Leadership: A Leader’s Guide to Getting Things Done

Using a modest new framework, this everyday book validates how to become a leader who is strong, inspirational, and able to drive results, and also helps readers better understand their leadership potential by discussing resolve and passion, and vision and strategy.

Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work . . . and What Does: The New Science of Leading, Energizing, and Engaging

Building upon the latest scientific research on the nature of human motivation, this book lays out a tested model and course of action that will help leaders guide their people toward the kind of motivation that not only increases productivity and engagement but that gives them a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Clean Tech Clean Profits: Using Effective Innovation and Sustainable Business Practices to Win in the New Low-Carbon Economy

Designed as a practical guide for entrepreneurs, innovators and investors on how to bring clean technologies to market in the most effective and profitable manner, this book emphasizes the specific steps that can be taken now in reviewing options, drawing up plans, upgrading a process, writing a specification, or making an investment.

Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach

Using a wealth of contemporary examples including 23 customized cases that immerse students directly in recent business ethics dilemmas, this pragmatic, hands-on guide allows students to examine how a business’ actions affect not just share price and profit but the well-being of employees, customers, suppliers, the local community, the larger society, other nations, and the environment.

Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management, Second Edition

Featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, this resource offers valuable information with applications at the macro, micro, organizational, and interorganizational levels, preparing you for emergency management in an increasingly globalized and uncertain world.

The Innovation Handbook: How to Profit from Your Ideas, Intellectual Property and Market Knowledge, Third Edition

Designed as a practical guide to the effective management of ideas and knowledge, this book explores how individuals and companies can stimulate new innovation and protect their best ideas in a competitive and aggressive marketplace.

The Learning Challenge: Dealing with Technology, Innovation and Change in Learning and Development

Featuring case studies and interviews from a range of high profile practitioners, this book defines the role of the new learning leader and illuminates the practical implications for creating and implementing a learning strategy for the 21st century.

Microsoft Excel 2013 Core Essentials, Exercise Workbook

Including a series of practical tasks and review questions, this exercise workbook shows you how to create your first Excel workbook by entering and deleting data, then moves on to timesaving tools, formatting text and data, viewing, printing and sharing your workbook, and much more.

Microsoft Outlook 2013 Core Essentials, Exercise Workbook

Including a series of practical tasks, sample exercises and review questions, this customizable exercise workbook starts by showing you how to open, reply to, forward, and delete e-mail messages; then moves on to using the calendar; using social networks; using Quick Steps; and much more.

Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business

Intended for mainstream businesses that want to get results from social media networking and marketing but have been frustrated by the obstacles, this book provides a step-by-step approach to building a business channel that aligns your business with its ideal customers and ensures your organization’s continued relevance and success.

How to Create a Coaching Culture

Using a combination of practical tools, assessments, scenarios and case studies from best practice, this practical guide offers an overview of coaching practice and align it clearly with organizational and HR strategy and objectives.

Performance Management

Using a combination of practical tools, assessments, scenarios, and case studies from best practice, this guide aligns learning and development with strategic objectives, and provides the skills needed to plan, implement, and assess relations in any type of organization.

Strategic Talent Management: Contemporary Issues in International Context

With contributions from leading scholars and practitioners, this Cambridge Companion examines the topical issue of talent management from a strategic perspective, mapping out insights from a number of related fields including strategy, organisational learning, marketing and supply chain management.

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