G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

How AMVETS Helps Post-9/11 Vets


AMVETS is considered one of the top four Veterans Service Organizations (VSO) and is dedicated to helping veterans and their families. The following are a few ways that that AMVETS helps post-9/11 veterans:


1. University of Phoenix Scholarship

University of Phoenix and AMVETS are partnered together and will be awarding 20 full tuition scholarships to veterans, active duty service members and their eligible family members. This scholarship may be used to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree from the University of Phoenix. Winners will be announced on Nov. 11, 2015, and applications are being accepted through Sept. 8, 2015.

For complete details, please visit https://www.amvets.org/university-of-phoenix-and-amvets-offer-full-tuition-scholarships/


2. National Scholarships

AMVETS helps post-9/11 vets through other scholarships also. While the scholarships for 2015 are closed, they will become available again beginning January 2016. There are four scholarships available for veterans, National Guard/Reserve and active duty service members. There are two scholarships available for the children and grandchildren of veterans, National Guard/Reserves. Scholarship awardees may use their prizes to fund undergraduate or graduate courses in pursuit of an accredited degree or certificate program. Winners can also use their scholarship in online education programs.

For complete details, please visit: https://www.amvets.org/amvets-in-action/scholarships/


3. Call of Duty Endowment (CODE) Career Centers:

These centers are manned by AMVETS volunteers who assist veterans with job searches and finding veteran-friendly employers. The volunteers at the CODE Career Centers can help with resume writing, interview skills, career assessment, training and educational options, among other things. Veterans in need of clothing assistance may be provided with interview clothing.

For more information, check out: https://www.amvets.org/veteran-services/career-centers/


4. Speaking Up for Veterans

AMVETS steps up to the plate for veterans and helps with everything from job searching to education. There are programs in place to help homeless veterans and to assist with the claims process. AMVETS is dedicated to giving a helping hand to veterans and their families.

Go to: https://www.amvets.org/amvets-near-you/ to find an AMVETS location near you.


As a veteran myself, I encourage all transitioning service members to reach out to these organizations that are so willing to help. You are not in this alone, and while the burden of transitioning out of the military is often difficult, there are people willing and able to make your load lighter. Find these people and let them help. Your service is so greatly appreciated.


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