G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

Junk King

junk king

Company: Junk King
Veteran Recruitment: Click Here for Recruitment Opportunities
Industry: Repair & Maintenance Services
Format: Mobile
Number of U.S. Franchises: 65
Veteran Incentive: 20% off franchise fee
Total Investment: $75,000-$150,000
Royalty Fee: 8%
Locations: East Coast, MidWest, South, Central, West



Junk King is a fast-growing, entrepreneurial franchise that requires a passion for logistics, operations, thinking on your feet, all while performing a valuable community and environmental service.

Franchise owners run truck teams, organize daily schedules, and work with the public daily, performing environmentally sound junk removal and demolition practices for local residential and business customers.

What sets you apart for veteran-related opportunities?

Junk King has multiple former military personnel among its current franchise population.  The combination of operational and people skills have proven to be an excellent fit for ex-military personnel interested in running their own businesses.