G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27



Company: CruiseOne
Veteran Recruitment: Click Here for Recruitment Opportunities
Industry: Travel
Format: Home-based
Number of U.S. Franchises: 950
Veteran Incentive: 20% discount off the franchise fee and additional discounts for hiring former members of the U.S. military or active-duty military spouses as associates.
Total Investment: $495-$7,840
Royalty Fee: 1-3% of the gross commissionable sale price, collected weekly, capped at $22,500 per year
Locations: East Coast, MidWest, South, Central, West, Non-Contiguous (AK, HI)


A member of the International Franchise Association’s (IFA) VetFran initiative, CruiseOne proudly supports current and former members of the U.S. military as well as active-duty spouses. We are proud that 30% of our franchisees are U.S. military veterans or spouses. Its home-based business model allows U.S. Veterans to create the work-life balance they desire, while being in business for themselves, but not by themselves. The CruiseOne family provides full training, ongoing educational opportunities, support from a headquarters staff of more than 80 and award-winning marketing and lead generation programs. Not to mention a state-of-the-art technology platform, that enables franchise owners to operate their businesses from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

What sets you apart for veteran-related opportunities?

Our low-cost, low-overhead home-based business model is an ideal fit for Veterans who seek to regain the work-life balance they desire and work within the exciting travel industry. This is possible because of the ability to keep flexible hours, hire associates and determine how big or small they want their business to be. In addition, CruiseOne does not have territory restrictions so it is possible to move to a new location and keep the franchise.

CruiseOne  Franchisee Success Profiles: