G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   January 23

Virtual Job Fair   |   Jan 23

Heritage College Success Profile – Nicole Russ

Nicole Russ

Nicole RussNicole Russ

Heritage College / Heritage Institute

Multiple Locations

Program Type/Area of Study: Personal Training Certification

Years Served:MOS: 42A (Human Resource Specialist)

Tell us about yourself:

I am from Wichita, KS and currently serve in the Army National Guard. I am currently the head trainer for the Wichita area Anytime Fitness’s. My hobby is actually my job . . . which is working out! My fondest memory of the military is also my proudest achievement: graduating from Basic Training without any injuries. When I’m not doing drill for the Guard or working, I’m out with family and friends or watching Scandal. But fitness is my passion. My refrigerator is filled with “Bro food”: chicken, fish, brown rice. Heritage College DEFINITELY helped me get to where I can get PAID to do what I LOVE and, in 10 years, I want to run my own gym.

What prompted you to return to school?

I just got done with high school and knew exactly what I wanted to do, so I went straight to college. Fitness was a passion of mine from high school weights class and power lifting, so I decided to pursue what I love to do. I researched my educational benefits by talking to both recruiters (before I joined) and later my NCOs at my National Guard unit about my educational options (and my Veteran EDU benefits).

Why did you choose Heritage College / Heritage Institute?

I looked up colleges for personal training in the Wichita area. I wanted to go somewhere and meet new people but I still wanted to be close enough to home. I found Heritage college and chose it because it’s a fast program and I heard nothing but good things about it by word-of-mouth

What military education benefits, such as the GI Bill, did you use?

I paid for school with my current job and I am saving my GI Bill to use for a business degree for when I feel ready to pursue the next step in running a gym that I own.

What has your experience been like as a student?

I would ABSOLUTELY recommend Heritage College to other Veterans. It was a great program with instructors who wanted you to SUCCEED and did EVERYTHING they could to make that happen.

Do you believe your military experience has made you a better student?

I feel like, in general, my military experience has just made me a better person, a reliable person. It makes you open your eyes and look at some situations differently–and that’s really valuable in the classroom and to many people you’ll eventually work for as a civilian.

What advice do you have for veterans returning to school?

Life isn’t that tough when you’re a Veteran. We can handle more than those who’ve never served and we do it with little to no complaints. Just take it one day at a time, work hard and you’ll be making it (dreams, goals, etc) happen. Know what you want to do and make sure what you do is something that you truly love.