G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

Financial Advisor/ Field Director

Mark Perrault, MBA, CLTC (Certified in Long-Term Care)
Financial Advisor/ Field Director
Northwestern Mutual
Thousand Oaks, Calif.
Military Service:
Captain, Air Force (2005-2009)
AFSC: Contracting Officer (64PX)


What do you do?

I work with individuals and families on defining what financial security means to them, what their financial goals are and providing a comprehensive plan to make those goals a reality.

How’d You Get Your Job?

My father-in-law has been a client of Northwestern Mutual for more than 20 years. He referred my wife and me to his financial representative to explore life insurance and other financial solutions. In talking with him, I realized my potential in a career with the company.

Coolest Thing About Your Job?

At the end of the day, it’s all about my clients. It’s very satisfying being able to help them think through their financial issues, overcome their hesitation in today’s challenging economy and help them breathe a sigh of relief knowing they are on the right path to financial security.

What is a Typical Day?

I usually arrive at the office or have my first meeting at 8 a.m. My goal is to have four to five client meetings a day, leaving some time to connect with clients and potential clients over the phone. I also have mentoring and coaching meetings where I meet with younger/new reps to help them achieve their goals. On most days, I’m out of the office and heading home by 5 p.m.

Best Advice?

Nothing in this career is as hard as what I have done in the military. When I came out of the service, I immediately started connecting with contacts I made in the military – who were all over the country – while also meeting people in my new hometown.
