G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

5 Decisions That Ruin Your Career Before It Begins

5 decisions that ruin your career

Bad decisions. We’ve all made them. But when it comes to starting a new career, you’ll need to avoid these five decisions that ruin your career before it begins.


1. “Well, it’s not exactly something I’m passionate about, but oh well, sign me up.”


Sure, you’ve had jobs you may not have loved, but this is your career we’re talking about. It’s extremely important to find the right fit for you. Try to narrow your career search down to a handful of pursuits that interest you and that you can visualize yourself doing. Stay practical and know your limitations. Ask yourself what matters more: high pay or a career where you’re more likely to stay. If you wake up every morning looking like a soup sandwich because you were up all night stressing about your career choice, back the Mack truck up — you need to reevaluate your decision and find something that keeps you up at night because your too excited about starting.


2. “I’m really good with numbers, but that’s not courageous enough. I want to be a smoke jumper.”


Well, I suppose you could do that. But remember that part about knowing your limitations? A lot of jobs that sound exciting aren’t exactly what you’d call a career. If you want to parachute into a forest fire, that’s your business. But if you have a natural talent for something as lucrative as number-crunching — which to me sounds totally courageous (to the point where I’d thank you for your service) — you may even be able to work from home. And by the by, a financial services professional makes really good income; you could parachute on the weekends!


3. “I just got hired as an assistant manager, I’m going to show up my boss and take their job.”


Good initiative, bad judgment. Managers love go-getters, but if you’re going after their job by trying to outshine them, you might get a swift kick where the sun doesn’t shine and end up on the assembly line. Respect your boss. Even if you know you’d do a better job. Be patient and soon enough they or someone else (like a general manager) will take notice.


4. “I’m not going to take a job that pays less than 100k.”


Well, depending where you live, that may be the median income. But in the reality I know, careers that pay that much right off the bat are usually a) miserable or b) illegal. But many, many jobs will pay that much if you stick with a position and complete your rite of passage. For tips on figuring out just how much your income should be, go here.


5. “I got a high-paying job offer in Minnesota. All my family’s here in Florida, but they won’t mind.”


Better unpack the U-Haul. It may sound new and exciting to get away from the fam, but as time goes by, ages go up, and before you know it you won’t recognize anybody anymore. Plus, how would you feel if someone you put your blood, sweat and tears into just up and hit the road for good? But I don’t have to convince you. The snow up there will have you high-tailing it back to the Sunshine State in no time anyhow.

Never forget where you came from