G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   January 23

Virtual Job Fair   |   Jan 23

Connecting the World

Sabrina Filmore

Army specialist worried about learning a new trade. She found a company willing to train her, and now she’s a leader.

When Sabrina Filmore left the Army for a new job as a communications technician, she hesitated to ask questions when she ran into a problem.  

“When I started with Comcast, I entered into a career field that was different from what I did in the military, so I had to learn the equipment and procedures associated with being a communications technician. When I was faced with a problem, I was hesitant about asking for assistance because I was afraid of what my co-workers would think and was afraid to look incompetent which was a pride thing as I was one of three female technicians.”

Today she leads a team of five supervisors who oversee the service and installation of cable, internet, home security and business services in Nashville/Middle, Tenn. They keep people connected to their loved ones and the world, one of the reasons she loves her job.

We asked Filmore about her transition, her rise through the ranks and what it’s like to work in telecom.

Sabrina Filmore

Manager Installation & Service

Job Location: Nashville, Tenn.

Employed Since: July 2001

Age: 45

Military Service: Specialist (E-4), Army (1997–2001)

MOS: Record Telecommunications Operator/Maintainer (74C)

Why did you choose this career field?

When I got out of the military there were secretary-like jobs and tech jobs from what I recall. It wasn’t until after my interview that I knew this was the job for me. Being out on my own, owning my day, making a difference for our customers, while also being a part of a team is what sold me. When I initially started this was just a job. I had no idea this would be a career.  

How did you find this job?

Word of mouth. Someone told me about Comcast in Nashville and being in telecommunications in the Army, they thought this job would be a good fit. So I applied to check it out.  

How does your military training and experience help you now?

In the military you must be flexible because a situation can evolve into something unexpected without notice. The military taught me how to adapt to unexpected situations and overcome obstacles to accomplish the mission. Those experiences have enabled me to calmly and effectively deal with problems that I face in my civilian career.

What mistakes would you urge transitioning service members to avoid?

Relax a little. Being rigid and stress bound can set you back in an interview and new career. Of course this is easier said than done. It can be a hard reality to realize you are in charge of your day and career; there is no clear cut path set for you like when you were in the military. This is OK. You will find your way and path.

Photo ofSabrina Filmore
Sabrina Filmore
Job Title
Manager Installation & Service