G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   September 26

Virtual Job Fair   |   Sep 26

Central Texas College Success Profile – Thomas Kent

Thomas Kent


Tell us about yourself:

I grew up in Florida. There I went through a Science and Technology honors program in high school. I’ve always been interested in computers. Later I joined the army at 23 where I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 for 9 months, working in the Operations Center coordinating ground support.

Why did you choose Central Texas College?

I heard about CTC through word-of-mouth – from talking to other soldiers who have been here awhile taking some classes. I was trying to start getting back into my education and talked to some people I knew to see where they’ve been going to school. I took my first two classes when I was deployed. Part of what got me into CTC was that they had a very strong online presence.

What military education benefits, such as the GI Bill, did you use?

I tried to go to college for several years out-of-pocket, and eventually I just ran out of money and joined the Army for the G.I. Bill and Tuition Assistance.

What has your experience been like as a student?

The two online classes I took were completely self-paced. It was really convenient and worked into my schedule nicely. Later I was at the Education Center taking a pre-deployment class when I saw a sign advertising a program with one of the top software development companies in the country. At the end of the four-month program we were flown out for a two-day hiring event. I got a call from the HR coordinator saying I was getting a job offer to be a Software Development Engineer. So I’d say it’s been a good experience.

What challenges did you have adjusting to campus culture after military life?

It’s a huge transition from the military lifestyle into a more corporate lifestyle. Being in an interview was very strange. But CTC prepared me for it.

Do you believe your military experience has made you a better student?

The military prepares you with a lot of personal discipline to take it on yourself to learn things and study beyond what the classroom environment teaches you. The military gave me the insight to know sometimes you have to go farther than people have said you should.

What advice do you have for veterans returning to school?

The Education Center and CTC have a lot of opportunities for soldiers to improve themselves. You just have to know that it’s there and to go talk to people to find out more.[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=”/2016/05/24/central-texas-college-success-profile-james-stanley/” color=”default” size=”” stretch=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”1″ animation_offset=”” alignment=”” class=”” id=””]Next[/fusion_button]