G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

Career Advice From the University of Farmers

Farmers University

Did you make it to the top or close to the top of your military career? Did you lead and supervise subordinates either in the office or into battle?

Are you able to manage and make key decisions in stressful situations? If yes, then stop window shopping at career fairs and start talking to all the employers there. You have the skills we are looking for, whether you know it or not, and they may not be in the last career or job that you did!

Through out my 14 years of recruiting I have noticed one common trait among job seekers… Most become introverts at career fairs and seem to be just, “Window Shopping” when attending career fairs!

To Expand, I am a people watcher, always have been, always will be. When I watch candidates enter career fairs, they are talking to their friends, have anxious and excited smiles, but then, for some reason, they see that first booth and their eyes go down and they walk right by…and the second booth, and the third booth and so on. It seems most are only looking for that one job, that one booth among the hundreds there. And just like them, all of those employers are looking for that one or two special candidates that they can hire onto their team.

So as simple as it is, my advice to all job seekers is this… stop and smell the roses. In other words, check out all your opportunities. So many people walk right by employer tables that could be a perfect fit for them…letting that “opportunity that was knocking” slip away because they are either too scared, shy, or think that career isn’t for them. How about in the future, just for curiosity’s sake, walk up to one of those tables you don’ think has anything for you and say, “what opportunities and growth can you give me, here is my resume and this is what I can give to you.” You might be surprised at what you may learn about that company as well as what skills you already have that could be a perfect fit for them. Remember, you probably had little experience with the jobs on your resume when you first started with them, but you learned the job and maybe even excelled at it.

So, my message is…don’t sell yourself short, you might just have been the next CEO of that table you just walked by… “Stop Window Shopping and Smell the Roses!”

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