G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

Virtual Job Fair   |   August 22

Pre-Game Your Job Interview With These 5 Best Interviewing Tips for Military Veterans

interview advice for military veterans

Upfront apologies — no alcoholic beverages involved — just some of our best interviewing tips for military veterans: friendly mental and physical pre-gaming tips to prepare for job interviews before you shake hands and have a seat as a job candidate at your future employer’s office.

As a vet, you know it pays to prepare. A job interview isn’t merely about knowing the right interview questions and  answers, or even “dressing for success.” Importantly, it’s also about maintaining your own comfort level, which is contagious no less. The more “at ease” your interviewer, who believe it or not, gets nervous too, the more safely a job may land in your lap … which is the goal, is it not? Humans are humans, and although we often dismiss the responsive nuances embedded in one another’s demeanor, unseen energy truly does influence.

In the job interview scenario, you want to be a sharp and positive influence who has it all together — before you shake hands and have a seat. Familiarizing oneself with pre-gaming an interview is most important; I reassure you, the rites are practically foolproof if followed through, and humongously improves the chances of pulling the trigger on any job hunt safari.

Here are some of our best interviewing tips for military veterans!

1. Investigate Locale

Recon the location of the interview the day before. The ‘G’ in GPS  doesn’t stand for ‘Guarantee.’ Think parking: what side of the building? Do I need change or cash for a parking meter?

2. Eat clean and light

This is one of our best interviewing tips! Prepare a good meal the evening prior to the job interview. For example: Grilled chicken breasts and wild rice, broccoli — that kind of good meal. In the morning and the day of the interview, eat light. Grab a bagel for some quick carbohydrates and eat (or drink) fruit for healthy glucose levels. What you are doing is gaining energy. Energy is good.

3. Move

If you are able, go for an early morning run or walk and get a lot of oxygen in your lungs. Don’t go far, just enough to awaken your endorphins. Your morning warm-up should be performed prior to your bagel and fruit.

4. Employ the sounds of the maestro 

Listen to classical music. You heard it … you’ve heard it before: pianos, violins, trumpets — an orchestra. According to a recent study conducted by the University of Helsinki in Finland, “listening to classical music enhanced the activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion and transport, synaptic neurotransmission, learning and memory….” I’ve tried this personally (a prospective police officer at the time) and passed two rigorous interviews on two separate occasions using this very method. And don’t worry… Biff and the High Hats will always be there to listen to after the interview.

5. Reach out

This next, final move is one I learned from an assistant professor of English at Penn State University, who has delivered countless speeches. She recently clued myself and other students in on an approach she previously learned from social psychologist Amy Cuddy.

Before an interview, find an area of seclusion, stand upright and relaxed, and raise your arms and head skyward. I’ll add that you can pray if you want, at this point, but you are primarily stretching your diaphragm, allowing more oxygen into your lungs and naturally upping testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain. Hold the pose for a count of 20 or so; it will sharpen both your vocal stability and mental alertness.


Follow our best interviewing tips for veterans and never settle for anything other than the best you can offer. Still want more? Check out Interviews questions and answers, we dive even deeper!


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