G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

Bellevue University Success Profile – Crystal Ditto

crystal ditto


Crystal Ditto

Bellevue University

Program Type/Area of Study: Sociology with a Minor in Psychology

What prompted you to return to school?

I was looking for a good reason to return to school and finish my studies. After the economy took a turn for the worse it appeared that a degree was going to be required to give me an edge in the job market.

I believe the degree I will earn from Bellevue University will set me apart from others in today’s workplace.

What military education benefits, such as the GI Bill, did you use?

G.I. Bill; I am utilizing Post-911 GI Bill benefits which covers 60% of my expenses.

What has your experience been like as a student?

Everything I expected and more!

What challenges did you have adjusting to campus culture after military life?

None at all. The school made the adjustment process pain free.

Do you believe your military experience has made you a better student?

Without a doubt, my experience in the military has taught me to look at things with a much more mature point of view than I ever had 20 years ago. It was my military experience that convinced me that I was ready to go back and finish my degree.

What advice do you have for veterans returning to school?

Don’t wait to go to school go now. If you’re looking at a job and trying to decide if you should go to school or take the job I would go to school to finish your degree. I’ve been working with Veterans and transitioning Servicemembers for the last 10 years and I’ve seen our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airman take jobs that they will be stuck in because they don’t have the education to move up.

This doesn’t limit you to a degree. You can get a trade or a skill that is as valuable in today’s workforce and still be successful. The Post 9/11 GI Bill gives us the opportunities go to school and concentrate on school without working. The main thing is to get a degree or skill that is needed.

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