G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   February 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Feb 27

6 Terms You Won’t Believe Have Military Origins


3.) “Cowboys”


On their way to the first Cowboys-Patriots Super Bowl.

Sorry, but the term “cowboy” used to define the ranchers and vaqueros of the Old West was never actually used for those guys at the time. They were usually just called cow herders or cowhands. The term “cowboy” goes well past the 19th Century. The original cowboys were American colonists loyal to the British Crown during the American Revolution. They would band together in guerrilla units and lure other units of rebel farmers into ambushes using cowbells to coax them in. After the war, it was used to describe criminals from Texas who made raids into Mexico.

6 Terms You Won’t Believe Have Military Origins
Article Name
6 Terms You Won’t Believe Have Military Origins
While military slang can be fun, it’s even more fun when it seeps into the common vernacular of everyday people.
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G.I. Jobs
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